We’re making this awesome event better by adding something new: PAJAMA JAM PRE-SHOW. This is an invest and invite event that takes place prior to your kids wearing their jammies to MoKids! The goal is to provide kids with a fun opportunity to invite a friend to join them at MoKids! Parents, this is the perfect opportunity for your kids to start having conversations about who in their lives they would like to befriend and start sharing their faith with.
How it works: Kids invite a friend for a “PRE-SHOW” sleepover prior to PAJAMA JAM. During the sleepover they’ll use this website to access the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE. After completing the challenge we’ve provided a Conversation Guide and Activity List for parents to continue the fun and lead thoughtful talks about the BIG GIVE.
Then at MoKids! on December 15 & 18 (during your child’s regular service hour) we’re going to wear our Christmas jammies and celebrate all the BIG GIVE donations collected. There will also be other fun, games, and snacks. Every kid will walk away with a prize and inspired to continue the BIG GIVE at home!
BIG GIVE donation collection starts on Thursday, December 1 and ends on Sunday, December 18. Donations can be bought to MoKids!
Part 1:
Host a PAJAMA JAM PRE-SHOW! Kids invite a friend for a sleepover complete the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE and have a BLAST making a difference in our community!
Step 1: Pick a date and time for your PAJAMA JAM PRE-SHOW and start inviting friends!
Step 2: Collect food donations for the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE
Step 3: Use the provided Conversation Guide and Activity List to continue the fun and have thoughtful talks about friendship the BIG GIVE.
You can do this in many ways: a mid-day play date, a group sleepover, combine forces with a neighbor or family to host together, the possibilities are endless! The goal to provide kids a fun opportunity to invite a friend to join them at MoKids! and we’re providing the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE to help them give the gift of friendship to those in need in our community!
Part 2:
Participate in the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE by collecting food donations for a local ministry and inviting a friend to help! With your friends or family, collect items from the BIG GIVE Donation List for the Back Bay Missions Food Pantry.
A few ideas for collecting food would be to raid the pantry, have a can drive with family members, or plan a trip to the local grocery store to purchase items. Parents, this could be a great opportunity for you kids to earn or raise money to spend on purchasing donation items by doing extra chores around the house or selling something they make.
Meal Starters
(Hamburger/Tuna helper, Zatarains, Knorr, or other brands)
Brown Rice
Canned chicken
Canned fruits
Canned Beans
Soft granola bars
Peanut butter
Pop top soups (preferably not tomato)
Baking soda
Cooking Oil
Bottled Water
After you have collected, bring the BIG GIVE donations with you to Mokids! You don’t have to wait until PAJAMA JAM, we’ll be collecting items all month and adding them to the Large Group Stage for kids to see the collection process.
Then head over to our Facebook Group (link) to see and share pictures of the families participating in the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE. We’ll be posting updates and pictures when we deliver all the donations to Back Bay Missions.
Part 3:
“On December 15 & 18, during all weekend services, kids are invited to wear their Christmas Jammies to MoKids! for PAJAMA JAM! We have a JAM-packed service of FUN, GAMES, SNACKS, and more planned for your family!”
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to host a PRE-SHOW to do the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE?
No, we know many families and individuals want to help our community—we appreciate all food donations because of the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE!
How do I have a PRE-SHOW with preschoolers?
You can absolutely have a PAJAMA JAM PRE-SHOW with your younger kids! We suggest hosting a play date with a friend or family, using the Activity List to plan for some fun, and doing what you can for the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE. Kids can help raid the pantry or you can make a special shopping trip letting your kids help pick out the food donations and even handing money to the cashier! Continue the conversation at home with provided Preschool Placemat.
CLICK HERE to download the Placemat
What organization is receiving the BIG GIVE donations?
All food donations from the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE will be delivered to Back Bay Missions Food Pantry. Back Bay Mission operates a variety of ministries to help families in crisis and make the transition out of poverty here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Can I donate items not listed on the BIG GIVE CHALLENGE?
The BIG GIVE Donation List provides the food items Back Bay Missions needs the most—other boxed or canned food like what is listed is okay to donate. We cannot accept monetary donations on their behalf, but you are welcome to donate to Back Bay Missions directly through their website https://thebackbaymission.org
Don’t see your question? Email Katie Yance at mokids@mosaicgc.com, and we will do our best to help!

2016 Bienville Blvd, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 • (228)875-3500